Threat Intelligence Portal

C-Prot Threat Intelligence Portal is a powerful web service for providing access to information about cyber threats. C-Prot Threat Intelligence Portal offers the possibility to check different types of suspicious threat indicators such as file, file signature, IP address or web address. In this way, institutions are informed about potential threats and can take necessary precautions.

Website Analysis (Coming Soon)
Malware Analysis
File and Hash Analysis

File and Hash Analysis

Detect advanced threats using our advanced detection technologies, including dynamic, static and behavioral analysis, and our global cloud reputation system with the C-Prot Threat Intelligence Portal.

Leader Intelligence Technology in Security

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Global Threat Intelligence

C-Prot Threat Intelligence Portal provides comprehensive threat intelligence. Global Threat Intelligence; includes attack samples, malware samples, attack analytics and other threat information.

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Malware Analysis

Access detailed information on specific malware indicators, as well as the tools, tactics and attack types used by cyber attackers.

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Website Analysis (Coming Soon)

Check for different indicators of suspicious threats such as IP address and web address.

Strategic and Operational Threat Intelligence

Understand threat trends and anticipate specific attacks with complete knowledge of your threat environment. Strengthen your defense mechanism with detailed information on offensive behavior and infrastructure.